2 min read
How to Install Aaron Network Dashboard

About Dashboard

This open-source project is a blockchain network dashboard designed to track and visualize historical data for blockchain networks. The dashboard provides users with insights into key network metrics such as the total number of accounts, changes in supply, shifts in staked and unstaked tokens, and fluctuations in inflation rates. By offering a clear and intuitive interface, this tool enables users to monitor the evolution of blockchain networks over time, making it a valuable resource for developers, analysts, and anyone interested in blockchain data. Its open-source nature encourages collaboration and continuous improvement, ensuring that the dashboard remains a robust and adaptable solution for blockchain ecosystem monitoring.

There are two dashboard repositories. The first one is backend and the second one is frontend. Both products need to be deployed. The backend needs to be deployed first.

Backend deploying

  1. cp .env.example .env
  2. Run php artisan key:generate
  3. Fill your data on .env:

  1. Run php artisan migrate
  2. Run php artisan schedule:work (add to cron on production)

Frontend deploying

  1. npm install
  2. Open .env.development and .env.production
  3. Fill your API url address, site name, denom and minimal denom:
VITE_SITE_NAME="Aaron Network"
  1. npm run dev


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